The stars are disappearing from the skies, and a mysterious disease has taken hold of Namir’s daughter.
It is up to him to find the truth, and save his remaining family before the world ends.

Project Worlds Beyond is coming soon!

Check back in at a later point.

Project Worlds Beyond

Welcome to this site, dedicated to the creations found in the world of Aeula.News:
31/10/2022: Added images to protag pages.
30/10/2022: Header set up.29/10/2022: Site and domain established and main pages set up. Content to flesh out setting lore to come soon.

I: About the Project

Project Worlds Beyond (Working title) was begun as a means of escapism into a deep and vibrant imagination, where all manners of worlds and creatures manifested.It is from here that I begun to write down the more memorable parts of the imaginary world

II: The Story So Far

I: The Missing Stars

Coming soon

II: The Heirs of the Sky

Coming soon

III: The Last Spellcaster

Coming Soon

III: Protagonists

III: Protagonists

Namir Seham

A boy haunted by the ghosts of his painful childhood. Namir is loyal and steadfast, but often finds himself lost in the memories of his past.Barely an adult, but has since taken up the responsibility of one to raise a child. Namir lived through both of his parents dying from a mysterious disease, then burying them under the old Shorepine behind their home.He adopted Aemile under mysterious circumstances when an unnamed figure abandoned her, leading away an army of soldiers from a faraway land to save the child. From then on, he took her in, raising Aemile as his own.When Aemile falls ill with the same disease his parents had, he finds himself haunted and vexed by his past experiences. He refuses to give up, and leaves behind the home that he and Aemile were raised in. The two must start a long journey to find a cure to save Aemile and give her a chance at a normal life….

Species: Muan
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 5’9”
Status: Alive

III: Protagonists

Aemile Seham

Left behind in the forests of Turram by an unknown figure, Aemile was found by Namir Seham, who took her in and raised her alone. She has a bright and optimistic personality, often curious about how the world works and how be brave like her adoptive (not aware of this) father, Namir.In a terrible turn of events, she contracts a disease known as Shadowrot which corrupts the soul and causes terrible pain for the host. Most victims are not known to survive past the first year of infection as it spreads quickly. She is initially confused as to why the two must leave their home, as Namir isn’t telling the full truth to protect her. Unaware of their real reason for beginning a long journey, the girl looks forward to the future instead and wonders what lies in wait.

Species: Mu’Kaan - Stalagman Clan
Age: 6
Sex: Female
Height: 2’5”
Status: Alive (Endling)

III: Protagonists


A Nameless Soul, Ghost of the Forest, Beast-That-Evades, Hound of Insomnis.Teena had many names to describe their presence amongst the trees, but none of them fit until they met Aemile, who gave them their current name.Teena is a quiet soul with little to say in the face of discussion, unless they deem it important enough to share. They are not familiar with many words in the common-speech Aeulan tongue (translated to english) and do not have the ability to fully convey their thoughts through words. Over time, they learned to utilise sign language long after joining the sharply protective of Aemile, due to being the first creature to view them without disgust or fear.What Teena is is anyone’s guess, for even they do not know their origins. All that is understood is that the beast fell from the skies a long, long time ago.

Species: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Sex: Sexless
Height: 2’5”
Status: Alive

III: Protagonists

Erisana Masuku

High Captain of the Catr’aenic Infantry in Akkrina. Erisana (Known as Eris by friends and family) is the top dog of the armies that patrol the eastern coasts of Akkri, leading entire platoons with a force that can only be described as instinctual. She was appointed by Kamala Kama-Sul, leader of Akkri, at the age of 21, making her effectively the youngest high captain in history. Don’t let that deter you however; Eris has been around many an enemy in the past years since her appointment and has earned the respect of her soldiers.Described as short-fused with a dry sense of humour, but fiercely protective of those she commands. It’s no wonder that her name has become well known, even overseas in the darkened lands of Insomnis. There is softer side to her than she cares to admit, and a story worth telling, but that is for those who earn her trust.

Species: Akkrin - Catr’aena
Age: 35
Sex: Hermaphroditic (Female pronouns)
Height: 7’0”
Wingspan: 7’5”
Status: Alive

Kalin Badawi


Species: Akkrin - Kattra
Age: 32
Sex: Hermaphroditic (Female pronouns)
Height: 6’8”
Wingspan: 7’2”
Status: Alive

Kalin Badawi


Species: Akkrin - Kattra
Age: 32
Sex: Hermaphroditic (Female pronouns)
Height: 6’8”
Wingspan: 7’2”
Status: Alive